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Focusing and Sexuality

 Crossing Focusing and sexuality

Why is there no Focusing orientation in sexual therapy?
Why do felt senses in the pelvic area appear so rarely in the natural flow...

Whose restraint is it

"Y is married to a terrible woman", I think to myself in the middle of a mass event. "He is such a sweet and gentle man, what is he doing with her?" I keep wondering...

  Inside and outside

People usually don’t feel comfortable to discuss sexuality even though this is one of the things that occupies us the most. Just like our weight and the money we earn, we don’t talk about it, but we think about it, a lot...

Raping Myself

When we talk about passion within a relationship, we focus on quantity: how many times a week do you do it? The number counts, statistics says it all: more or less...

online course

S.H.I.F.T: Sexual Healing in Focusing Therapy


10 zoom sessions for learning and deepening into 

sexual issues through focusing.

With Kati Kimchi


Wednesdays 3/3/21-5/5/21 16:30-20:00 Israel Time


The connection between focusing and sexual therapy is a deep personal and professional exploration journey. 

S.H.I.F.T is a new connection born out of necessity: the sexual world's need for a delicate and nonjudgmental space, along with the need to aid focusing facilitators holding sexual issues.


S.H.I.F.T course includes 10 online sessions that will help focusing facilitators to connect with issues related to sexuality in their personal life and in a focusing clinic.


During the course we will touch some of the main topics in this type of work and focus on the way they touch our personal lives.




1. The facilitator’s prior assumptions regarding sexuality: The forces and theories from which we operate (conscious and unconscious)


2. Blockages in the process: Motion versus resistance and fear of change 


3. The forces at work in the field of sexuality: Polarities, shame, guilt and fear. 


4. Concealing versus exposure: Creating a safe space for ourselves, for the clients and for their most hidden parts.


5. Listening to the genitals: A guided exercise to help us stay with a FS in the sexual organs. 


6. Demonstration of a guided session


7. Passion: Power, pleasure, and danger 


8. Sexual Trauma: What is the difference between the story of the body and the story of the mind.


9. Porn and fantasy: The deep needs behind sexual fantasies


10. Closing Session: Looking into the next step.


About me:


I am a Focusing Coordinator (from 2014) who works with man and woman in the realm of sexuality.

For the last 10 years I developed in-depth workshops which gives focusing students the option to be in touch with their own sexual issues and teach focusing practitioners the delicate way of being and listening to sexuality.


I was a Collaborating Coordinator at the Advanced and Certification Weeklong 2020 by TIFI, privileged to facilitate group meetings and run a workshop on Sexual Healing in Focusing Therapy.   


To whom: 


This is a professional course for focusing facilitators who are interested in dealing with sexuality through focusing. At least level 1 Focusing or FOT training or equivalent focusing experience is required. 

The workshop language is English.



Wednesdays starting March 3rd at 16.30 pm till 20.00 pm Israel time. 

Other dates: 10 March, 17 March, 24 March, 31 March, 7 Apr, 14 Apr, 21 Apr, 28 Apr, and 5 May. 

Note daylight savings time changes March 26 in Israel. This will shift forward 1 hour for the last six sessions. If you are not on the same time shift, please take this into account.



online in Zoom (link will be provided)


Cost and payment:

1000 euros. Includes 10 Zoom meetings lasting 3,5 hour each once a week. 

A non-refundable deposit of 100 euros will be paid upon registration. 

The remaining fee is paid by Feb 24, 2021.

In case of cancellation, it will be possible to get a refund of 50 % until the third meeting. After the fourth meeting there will be no refunds. 


The opening of the course is conditional on pre-registration of 8 participants and is limited to 14 participants.

PayPal link will be provided when you register to


How to register:

Email to by Feb 24, 2021, at the latest.

When registering, please inform if you haven't had a personal meeting with Kati. You will be contacted to arrange a preliminary interview.


More information:

Email to

Contact Me

Kati kimchi


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